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Improvement suggestions


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Generally, I really like RWE2 - already had RWE and I like the improvements made so far. However, I have to improvement suggestions, that arise from my usage so far:

1. I use a custom Autohotkey script for some keyboard re-mappings I prefer when using TS. Unfortunately, RWE2 Overlay is not compatible with a running Autohotkey script. So I currently can not use the RWE2 HUD as well as the RWE2 Audio improvements, which is extremely sad. I would love it, if compatibility could be achieved.

2. While I like the content explorer of RWE2 (especially since it is not as slow as the TS built-in), I would really love some additional options to group the various items. E.g. an option to create custom groups for the routes, where each route can be assigned to one or more of the created groups. The same goes for scenarios and rolling stock. Currently, I think RWE2 content explorer offers little benefit over TS itself - in terms of possibilities. Once a TS library grows and grows and contains 100+ routes and according amounts of rolling stock and scenarios, ever RWE2 content explorer at it's current state is of less help than it could be. 😉


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