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Update is available !

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Update is available 🙂 

This version brings many improvements and fixes in the consist editor. 

It is now possible to specify 'valid build and drive routes' (routes on which an AI controlled consist can appear in quickdrive mode).



It is also now possible to create a consist directly by copying the elements of an existing consist or to launch the edition of a previously created custom consist directly from the content explorer menu thanks to the new contextual menu accessible via a right click on the name of a consist.


In parallel to these improvements some issues have been fixed, in particular 'task validated too early' issue. In order to realize this fix, the old task validation system has been restored. The detection of the effective closing of the doors was not mature enough to work with certain types of rolling stock. The system will be improved again in the future. In the meantime, don't be surprised if your departure authorization from a station does not perfectly match the one given by Train Simulator.

See you early next week for a new update 🙂



- Consist editor: Added 'Valid Build And Drive Routes' specification support
- Consist editor: Added save consist confirmation popup
- Consist editor: Added delete consist confirmation popup
- Consist editor: Fixed saving issues when renaming an existing consist (old consist was not deleted properly)
- Consist editor: Minor improvements and fixes
- Added 'Edit Consist' and 'Create New Consist From This' contextual menu items when right clicking in a consist in the Content Explorer menu
- Added consists 'valid build and drives routes' data reading support in content cooking system
- Improved stations names generation algorithm for Romanian routes
- Fixed 'pick up passengers' tasks being validated way too early with some rolling stock
- Fixed scenario start time display issues (example: 10:4 instead of 10:04) in drive and content explorer menus
- Reverted to the old validation calculation system for the 'pick up passengers' tasks while a better solution is found in the near future

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