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Posts posted by Wivenswold

  1. I also tried to reverse engineer the issue and had success. 
    In its initial, errant, state switching between "simple" and "expert" didn't do anything. So then I tried deleting all of the .BIN files in the main Content folder so it would essentially be a reset of my profile.  With new .BIN files created when I ran TS again, the switch between "simple" and "expert" resolved the problem immediately.  But yes, absolutely a DTG issue. 

    One other thing I found out is that it the same error also messed up the keyboard mappings for diesel locos and DMUs, not electrics though.  

    It's been an exhausting one. Tomorrow I will just drive trains! Thank you all, bonne nuit.

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  2. RESOLVED!  Deleted my player profile and the HUD dialogue files, verified game and it's sorted!
    Now all I have to do is overlay my saved Assets and Routes folders and fingers crossed. 

    For anyone reading this who doesn't keep a spare copy of those folders, for the cost of extra cloud storage or even a spare hard drive, it's really worth it. 

    Thanks to all. 

    Have a lovely weekend.


  3. Thank you both. I'll have a look at that, just deleted all HUD files and my player profile, doing a verify again and will check that "Simple" controls thing shortly. 

    So thankful for SSDs, makes backing-up and doing some investigation so much easier. I will report back in due course hopefully with an answer. Thank you for the reassurance about RW2, I appreciate it. It's an excellent tool.

  4. Yes, all manner of rolling stock and routes. I think it may be time for a clean reinstall. I am always adding files, it could have been anything that caused this. Luckily having RW2 means I can actually use your hub until I have time to rebuild! So having RW2 has helped me, I might end up preferring your hub in time. 

    I'll save everything then have a play around with the core files, if I find a cure I will let you know, just for information. Thank you for your really prompt help, it's very lovely of you. 

  5. Hi there, 

    It's odd isn't it? I did a "verify file" last night on steam and that didn't fix it. I suspect there's a corrupted file somewhere, I'm not a computer expert though. Your English is superb, I'm sorry my French vocabulary is so poor. 




  6. Good morning, 

    I have experimented with the new RW TS Hud but think I prefer to use the ones in game for now as I find them easier to read. 
    I've tried running the game straight from 64bit.exe command as usual without RW2 running and the original minimal HUD is broken with elements of the full one mixed-in so it's impossible to read. I've tried so many times to work out how to change it back but, no luck. 

    How can I restore the original "in-game" HUDs and just use RW2 for it's graphics improvements?


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