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RWE2 does not fully load following Win10 reinstall


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Months ago, the PC on which TSC is installed developed unrecoverable Win10 boot partition corruption. Win10 had to be installed from scratch. That done, I first reinstalled Steam, then used it to reinstall TSC. That done, I called myself installing all RWE2 pre-requirements, then overwrote new TSC install with my heavily modded pre-Win10 corruption-TSC/RWE2 directory, assuming all would work as intended. It did, except for RWE2. RWE2 would get partway through cooking, then exit. Following printed guidelines, I uninstalled then reinstalled RW2, twice, the second time in a different directory. No change. RW2 did not complete cooking. After a few more attempts, I gave up and left the matter alone.

Recently, (April/May 2024), seeing that a new update was available, I launched RWE2 and had the program update itself. That done, it still does not cook. In fact, it doesn't get as far along with cooking as it did pre-update before giving up the ghost. (Not that that matters.)

A thing I notice while reading debug.logs is that "serz" or "serz.exe" is mentioned just prior to the long beginning its close-down sequence. Here are the two "ERROR" lines from my most recent debug.log:

2024-04-29 13:10:34.197 (   4.930s)          FileSystem.cpp:549    ERR| Could not SERZ '"O:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Content\PlayerProfiles.bin"' file. Error code: -1073741701
2024-04-29 13:10:34.197 (   4.930s)            Settings.cpp:941    ERR| Can't convert TS settings data from bin to XML

Whether the about points to the source of my issue, or I somehow failed to install a pre-requiring, which I doubt but won't rule out, I'm stumped. Any help is most appreciated! Entire debug report is attached.


Edited by DecrepitTSfan
re-writing of original for better clarity
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