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Development Report 1

RW Central

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Hello everyone, 

This is the first development report, i'm planning to do this from time to time so you can better understand what's going on "behind the scene" 🙂 

RW Enhancer 2 has been launched publicly since a little more than 2 months now and despite a rough start with quite a lot of issue right at launch, things are getting better and better now. A lot of issues has been fixed and some new features implemented. 

You can see it on the wiki here: https://wiki.rwenhancer.com/doku.php?id=core:changelogs

As you can see a lot of work has been done and your feedback was very precious in order to find and fix a lot of problems ! You are more and more to use RW Enhancer 2 and this is awesome. A lot of new content is currently in development and the roadmap to the 0.8 version is available here: https://wiki.rwenhancer.com/doku.php?id=core:roadmap

Right now I'm working on a important fix for the cooking system. For some users, the content cooking process seem to freeze. I have detected the cause of this issue and this is due to some users that have installed some routes in their TS "Assets" directory. This is wrong and no routes should be installed in the "Assets" directory. Right now the cooking system is not able to handle such case hence the cooking process is broken.

Will release a hotfix for this soon and then resume my work on the HUD track monitor customization update. Thank you again for your patience and your great support ! 

Have a nice week-end and see you soon for some new interesting content updates 😉 

RW Enhancer 2 Developer

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