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Development Report 2

RW Central

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Hello everyone 🙂 

As you may have noticed, updates releases are slower since the beginning of June. I'm moving to a new office so that's why you won't see much updates released this month 🙂 

A tons of issues has been fixed since the public release of RW Enhancer 2 and a lot of improvements has been made based on your precious feedback. (more than 50 updates released since the beginning of this year)
In July, I will switch to the 0.8.x branch and you can expect more features and improvements added to the software ! The roadmap will be updated accordingly soon so you can see what is being worked on.

While 0.7.x branch was about fixing the most urgent issues and expanding the existing features the 0.8.x branch will bring some brand new functionalities, modding support and other very cool stuff ! Moving to my new work place will also help me to produce better updates. The wiki will be also updated with a lot of new documentation.

Thank you for your patience and support and a special thank you for all premium members that are greatly helping the support and development of RW Enhancer 2.

See you in July ! 😉 


RW Enhancer 2 developer.

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