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RW Enhancer 2 and premium subscription


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Hello all!

If im not wrong a premium subscriber can have acess to real time weather on QD with RW2, right? My doubt is...this real time weather it's the same when we are configuring QD's scenarios when we choose to use real weather, and if the weather is sunny, it's stay always sunny till the end of scenario? or the "premium subscriber" real time weather is actualized from time to time and if a weather change ocurre, for example sunny to rain this will be injected on the simulator? I hope you could understand my question, my english is a litlle rusty 🙂 Thanks for some info on this!


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Hello @ricmota

Real weather is accessible to everyone but premium members have the guaranty to have access to real weather even if servers are under heavy usage. 

Once a QD is started, there is now way some changes in quickdrive (Train Simulator Limitation). I'm searching for a way to inject weather changes in the future but no promises about this. 

The main benefit of Premium subscription is the greatly upgraded PIS systems voices quality (Azure voices instead of old Microsoft voices) and it greatly help me to work on RW Enhancer 2 on the long term and release many other update to the software in the future. In a few weeks, premium members will also be able to choose which PIS voices to use (male/female, style....) and other new stuff only accessible by Premium members. 🙂 

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