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[Help Wanted] German PIS refactoring

RW Central

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Hello to the German community, we are currently working to improve German PIS (announcements) system. So we need some help from German community in order to improve it. 

We will work on grammar issues and improve announcements style. 

So please give your feedback/remarks to us in this topic so we can work together on those improvements 🙂 

Thank you ! 

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  • RW Central changed the title to [Help Wanted] German PIS refactoring

When the train departs, on big train stations often an announcement "Meine Damen und Herren am Gleis x: bitte steigen Sie ein! Türen schließen selbsttätig, Vorsicht bei der Abfahrt des Zuges!" is played.

There are also advise announcement on the platforms like "Sicherheitshinweis: Lassen Sie Ihr Gepäck nicht unbeaufsichtigt", "Halten Sie Abstand von der Bahnsteigkante und betreten Sie den gekennzeichneten Bereich erst nach Halt des Zuges" or "Das Rauchen im Bahnhof ist nur in den gekennzeichneten Raucherbereichen gestattet". On big train stations these announcements are also played in English (and sometimes French).

After the start the train staff (or the computer) announces something like "Wir begrüßen Sie im Zug nach xxxxx und wünschen Ihnen eine angenehme Fahrt"; the next stop is announced "Nächster Halt: xxx"

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Hi everyone !

I have been thinking of similar proposals to Meridian's. However, I am concerned about potential copyright issues with using the DB announcements exactly as they are. Here is what I propose, slightly modified announcements with some SBB or BLS phrasing added (or just made up):

  • [Station] Package security advice (Gepäck-Sicherheitshinweis) :
    Zu Ihrer Sicherheit bitten wir Sie, Ihr Gepäck nicht unbeaufsichtigt zu lassen und uns verdächtige Gegenstände zu melden. Vielen Dank für Ihre Wachsamkeit.
  • [Train/Station] Smoking in station (Rauchen im Bahnhof) :
    Wir erinnern Sie daran, dass das Rauchen im Bahnhof nur in gekennzeichneten Bereichen gestattet ist. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.
  • [Station] Train departure (Zugabfahrt) :
    Am Gleis #TRACK, (der Zug Nummer) #NUM nach #DEST fährt ab. Bitte halten Sie sich von den Türen fern.
  • [Train] Welcoming and departure at first station (Begrüssung) :
    Wir begrüssen Sie in (diesem Zug Nummer)* #NUM nach #DEST. Dieser Zug hält in #INTX. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine angenehme Reise.
  • [Train] Departure (intermediate station) :
    Dieser Zug fährt weiter nach #DEST.
  • [Train] Arrival (intermediate station) (Ankunft) :
    Nächster Halt #INTX.
  • [Train] Arrival (final station) :
    Wir treffen in #DEST ein. Diese Zugfahrt endet hier, wir bitten alle Fahrgäste auszusteigen. Bitte achten Sie beim Verlassen des Zuges darauf, Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände mitzunehmen. (Wir erinnern Sie daran, dass das Rauchen im Bahnhof nur in gekennzeichneten Bereichen gestattet ist.) Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis und verabschieden uns von Ihnen.

*(der Zug Nummer) is in brackets, cause most announcements are phrased as follows (to speak for my country, which is Switzerland) : "Wir begrüssen Sie in RegioExpress nach..." or "Wir begrüssen Sie in der S1 nach..."

It also seems that for track numbers (which I call #TRACK), the current RWE2 announcements use ordinal numerals (Gleis erster, zweiter, ...), when it should be the cardinal ones (Gleis Eins, Zwei, ...).

You'll find attached a picture of some possibilities compared to the actual announcements (red = DB phrasing, purple = SBB, orange = ÖBB, green = BLS). I might be wrong about the actual announcements, not having travelled by train to Germany or Austria.

Thank you for your interest in improving the German announcements!


Edited by Lus0rius
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Carte des lignes réelles 🇫🇷🇧🇪🇨🇭 dans Train Simulator Classic : http://u.osmfr.org/m/562186/

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Looks good to me.  Modding capabilities will be key here - the German community will no doubt step in and provide the actual DB announcements as freeware.

(By the way, this discussion may get more traction if a new topic was opened for it on rail-sim.de.)

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I would have there still another desire. When you drive a passenger train, (Quickdrive) comes at each station the platform announcement: "Attention to track first, track second, track third, etc.... "

This is, of course, completely wrong German. Correct would be: "Attention on track one, track two, track three," etc....
I think this is due to the script, which is the basis of the voice output. It will say "Achtung auf Gleis eins." and the voice output misinterprets this point, not as the end of a sentence, but as the first, or second,...

It would be great if this could be fixed. Thanks, Alti.



Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Il y a 23 minutes , Alti a dit:


I would have there still another desire. When you drive a passenger train, (Quickdrive) comes at each station the platform announcement: "Attention to track first, track second, track third, etc.... "

This is, of course, completely wrong German. Correct would be: "Attention on track one, track two, track three," etc....
I think this is due to the script, which is the basis of the voice output. It will say "Achtung auf Gleis eins." and the voice output misinterprets this point, not as the end of a sentence, but as the first, or second,...

It would be great if this could be fixed. Thanks, Alti.



Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Should be fixed in next update.

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So for german system i have some suggestions, because jpvdveer's phrases should fit well for Switzerland, but in Germany they are a little bit different.

In most regional trains the announcements play automatically and in the same way on each stations :

When the doors open it says on the outside of the train "RB/RE/S nach destination". Then if you departed it says "RB/RE/S nach destination. Nächste Station next stop."

Before the next stop it says "Nächste Station next stop. Ausstieg in Fahrtichtung rechts ( right ) / links ( left )." Before destination it says : "Nächste Station next stop. Dieser Zug endet hier. Ausstieg in Fahrtichtung rechts ( right ) / links ( left )."

So this kind of announcements on local trains should work very well with your automated announcement system if the correct phrases are implemented as they work the same way on each stop and are computer voices anyway. Maybe the side of exit could be solved with sliders, which the player can move for each stop because your system could not know, on which side the platform is. Or you cancel this detail information ...

The announcements on long distance trains are more individual as they are spoken by human and everybody does it a little bit different. But the information included is the same. They welcome the people like this after departure :

"Meine Damen und Herren, ich begrüße sie recht herzlich an Bord des ICE/IC/EC auf der Fahrt nach destination. Wir wünschen eine angenehme Reise. Unseren nächsten planmäßigen Halt next stop erreichen wir voraussichtlich um arrival time at next stop."

A few moments before arriving they say something like "Meine Damen und Herren, in Kürze erreichen wir next stop. Wir verabschieden uns von allen Fahrgästen, die hier aus- oder umsteigen und wünschen einen angenehmen Tag. Der Ausstieg hier in next stop befindet sich in Fahrtrichtung links / rechts."

This is a very simple construct, because there could be a lot more information like an advice to the onboard restaurant, information on delay or the connection trains on the next stop.

So they are a lot more complicated. Maybe you could implement standart announcements with the information given every time and a pool of additional announcements which are added randomly to these to not have every announcement the same. If you need some of this phrases, i could create some for you.

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Ich bin mir bewusst, dass die Schweizer Community nicht so gross ist. Trotzdem habe ich hier einen Link mit unzähligen Ansagen aus dem Schweizerischen Bahnnetz (Einzelne Ansagen anklicken). Als Beispielvorgaben sicher gut geeignet. Zu den Urheberrechten kann ich jetzt allerdings nichts sagen.


Weitere Ansagen innerhalb des Zuges sind auf Youtube zu finden. 

Für Deutschland habe ich noch dieses Video mit der Stimme von H. Grauel gefunden:


Edited by Swisstraindriver
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  • 7 months later...

Just a small note: When the railway stuff in Germany makes announcements for train lines with FOUR digits (ex. "IC 2419") they say mostly: IC Vierundzwanzig Neunzehn (IC twenty four nineteen)

In RWEnhancer2 they say: IC Zweitausendvierhundertneunzehn (IC Two thousand four hundred nineteen)

Don´t know if its possible to change this.

for example see here


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  • 1 year later...

Since the last 12 months, I have the impression that little has changed at the German PIS. There is still considerable potential for improvement. Especially in the sentence structure, some things still sound very strange. How can I support this?

Seit den letzten 12 Monaten habe ich den Eindruck, dass sich am German PIS nur wenig verändert hat. Es gibt noch erhebliches Verbesserungspotential. Vorallem im Satzbau klingt einiges noch sehr merkwürdig. Wie kann ich hierbei unterstützen?

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello @daniel.trenzen and sorry for the late answer.

German PIS improvements is still planned and will be done right after the optimization pass on the cooking system (a new update focused on this will be released next week). 

If you have any detail on how the German PIS could be improved do not hesitate to send me a private message.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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